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Meeting Rooms

  • Click HERE for information about our meeting rooms.


  • By appointment only. Service is for state, federal, or volunteer requirements.

  • Appointment times are Monday 2-6 PM; Tuesday & Wednesday 10 AM - 1:30 PM.

  • Appointment Booking Website:

  • Fees vary. The Library charges a $35 service fee in addition to and government fees.

Scan to Email

  • Scan to Email service is outgoing only. We are unable to receive documents due to limitations of our phone service. 

  • The fee for Scanning is $1.00 flat rate with a maximum of 20 pages per patron.

  • Patrons should allow at least 10 minutes for the transmission to be completed.

  • Please see the Reference Desk for assistance.


  • East Lake Community Library is glad to offer notary services for professionally composed legal documents. We have two notaries on staff for your convenience. We can certify a copy, affirm an oath and/or verify a signature.

  • The notary services cost $10.00 per document or "stamp."

  • We ask that you call ahead to make sure a staff notary is available to serve your needs.

  • Note: if you need a signature verified, please do not sign your document until you are in the presence of the notary.


Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

  • Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a resource-sharing service that allows you to request books that are neither owned by the East Lake Community Library, nor available within the Pinellas Public Library System.

  • Patrons wishing to retrieve sources using ILL must be in good standing with the library as far as fines and overdues.

  • Once we receive your ILL request, it generally takes from several days to three weeks for you to get the materials. Some items are more readily available than others, so, by necessity, we can't guarantee the receipt or delivery time of any requested book.

  • ILLs may be limited subject to copyright restrictions and/or availability of resources.

  • Patrons will be notified if an ILL request cannot be filled.

  • Books and copies of magazine articles but not the entire magazine or journal may be requested. Materials not available through ILL are audiovisual materials such as videos, DVDs, cassettes, and CDs, rare or valuable items, text books under five years old, new books less than 12 months old, reference and genealogy books and materials.

  • Shipping time, loan periods, and availability vary according to the lending library.  A lender may also direct that an ILL must be used only in the library. Generally, ILL items check out for 28 days and there are no renewals.  The same title may not be re-requested for a patron, for a period of 3 months from the date of return.

  • Fines for overdue ILLs are $0.50 per day per item with a maximum overdue fine of $5.00 per item. Patrons are responsible for charges levied by lending libraries for overdue, damaged, or lost ILL items. 

  • Forms are available at the Reference Desk or you can submit your request online by clicking HERE.


Study Rooms

**If the Community Room isn't being used, you are welcome to study in there. Please see a staff member for details.**


Connect to the Internet for free at the library! No password needed!


For Windows:

  1. Click on wireless icon in the lower right hand corner of the screen (picture is a single computer with motion marks).

  2. From the menu that says “Choose a Wireless Network,” choose "Library Wifi"

  3. Not seeing Library Wifi?  Move toward the center of the library and click “Refresh Network List” in the upper left corner of the Wireless Network Connection box.

  4. Library Wifi is an unencrypted network, so you will be asked if you want to connect anyway.


For Mac:

  1. Make sure your Airport is turned on.

  2. Choose Library Wifi from available wireless networks list.


Internet Usage Agreement

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